Moroccan Chairs, Puff and Stools | Alcazaba decoration Page 2
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  • Moroccan Chairs, Puffs and Stools


    Según el material del que está compuesto, hay tres tipos de celosía: aluminio, PVC y madera. Este último es el que se ofrece en Decoración Alcazaba y se puede dividir según sus cualidades. Desde el que simula ser una ventana hasta el que se coloca encima de la cama

    Concretamente, la celosía de madera se distingue por su material, el cual es de mucha duración, sencillo de higienizar y con tonalidades (marrón oscuro o claro) que compatibilizan fácilmente con todo lo que se halla alrededor y decora de manera óptima. A su vez, vienen con diversas formas y dibujos en su composición para proporcionar un interesante agrado visual.

    Para higienizar una celosía de madera de forma efectiva tienes que seguir estos cinco pasos:

    • Quitar el polvo con un paño seco o aspiradora
    • Preparar una solución suave de agua y jabón, evitando siempre saturar la madera
    • Emplear un paño húmedo para limpiar suavemente la superficie, prestando especial atención a las áreas sucias. Aclara con un paño limpio y seco
    • Si hay manchas persistentes puedes probar con vinagre diluido o productos específicos para este material
    • Evita el exceso de humedad y seca completamente la celosía luego de la limpieza para evitar daños y desgastes prematuros

    Para concretar cada uno de los pasos de forma exitosa debes higienizar la celosía con dedicación y paciencia. Es decir, no te apresures y observa con atención los costados o sectores difíciles de pasar el paño. Cabe destacar que aplica para todos los tipos, incluyendo, por ejemplo, los travesaños de madera.

    Ante tantas opciones y variantes, adquirir la celosía de madera más adecuada puede implicar un desafío. Sin embargo, este no es complejo si sigues estos pasos:

    • Elige un proveedor confiable con reputación en la venta de productos de calidad. Decoración Alcazaba es uno
    • Asegúrate de que la madera sea resistente a la intemperie y esté tratada para evitar la pudrición, deterioro y desgaste prematuro 
    • Presta atención al diseño y al tamaño, los cuales deben adaptarse a tus necesidades estéticas y funcionales, además de poder decorar el ambiente y marcar un antes y un después positivo
    • Verifica si es sencilla de instalar y mantener. Se trata de un vínculo denominado costo-beneficio 
    • Compara precios y opciones para encontrar la mejor relación precio-calidad


    The Moroccan chairs provide the Moorish arabesque decoration for your garden or terrace. The artisans work the forge by hand, making beautiful Moroccan iron chairs, each one with its own particular charm. There is also another type of craftsmanship in Morocco that works with wood and cattails , making robust wooden stools and chairs with natural character. Moroccan stools are ideal as shoe removers or to accompany a low table.

    One of the elements that we highlight the most about Moroccan chairs are the geometric details that artisans usually incorporate, after all it is the differentiating element between our Arabic chairs and others that are not.

    Add the Arab chair you prefer to your cart and we will send it to you within 24 hours with the courier agency you choose, MRW, Correos, UPS, DHL, Correos Express... you will have it quickly at the door of your house.

    Moroccan wooden chairs provide not only modernity, but a unique style that matches perfectly with an Arabic decorative environment, whether modern, vintage or rustic. All our Moroccan chairs stand out in a wooden environment! We will gradually expand our catalog of Moroccan chairs and stools to offer you the best variety, so stay tuned for our news, there we will update everything in Arabic chairs and furniture.


    The Moroccan cattail or enea chairs are 100% handmade by our artisans from the south of Morocco , made with great care, even the cut of the wood is unique in each piece, which can vary a few millimeters, and that is something that becomes very special pieces for us. The cattail is very comfortable and pleasant for our butt (sorry to say it like that), but they are one of our clients' favorite chairs! That's why we deserve special interest in giving them a place in this space. They are easy to transport, and when cleaning it is very easy to move them and place them where appropriate.


    The Moroccan natural leather pouf cannot be missing from our collection of poufs, chairs and stools. This Moorish seat is a very striking element in our decoration, as it adds color and volume to our spaces, they are functional and liven up our rooms at home. The Moroccan puff is made by hand by our artisans, and there are colored puffs, camel puffs and traditional Arabic puffs.


    The star Moroccan chairs for the outdoors (gardens and terraces) are undoubtedly the wrought iron chairs , they match perfectly with the Moroccan mosaic and stone tables , they are super solid and guarantee a minimum of 10 years of durability in perfect condition, they resist perfectly inclement weather, rain and sun, cold and heat. Although we always recommend that you have the wrought-iron Moroccan chairs under the roof of your garden or terrace, so that it does not rain directly on them, the same for the mosaic tables, be smart!


    Without a doubt, at Decoration Alcazaba we have a wonderful collection of Moroccan chairs of all types, wood, wrought iron, iron, cattail... If you have questions, you can contact us or write to us without obligation, even if you want we can custom-make any Moorish chair you have. seen elsewhere, we'll even improve it for you! Our workshop is in Morocco and is prepared to offer you all the magic you are looking for for your home.